Introducing Ugly Mug's newest Rare Origin Coffee: Myanmar. This Naturally Processed Coffee features cupping notes of floral blueberry and white grape flavors. This coffee is in an extremely limited supply and is by far the most difficult to obtain of our rare origin coffees.

Myanmar (formerly Burma) boasts favorable conditions for coffee cultivation. Sitting at 4,250 - 5,250 feet above sea-level with a tropical climate and nutrient-rich, red-brown soil, this environment provides densely flavored beans. Coffee growing was originally introduced to Myanmar by missionaries in 1885, and only began to boom in production in the early 2000s.

Political unrest and civil rights issues caused the coffee market in Myanmar to be unsteady, leading to limited availability on the market. However, the end of a long military dictatorship has seen coffee cultivation flourish and the steady increase of coffee production, specifically by Myanma farmers.

This coffee is naturally processed, handpicked and traditionally grown organically. What makes this coffee 'natural' is the process in which it's cultivated. Though uncommon, dry processing (or natural coffee) is the oldest method of processing coffee. Unlike a wet process (or washed coffee), dry processing keeps the fruit on the bean while drying before it is de-pulped. This sun-dried 'natural' method gives the coffee its distinctive sweetness and intoxicating fruit notes.
"We chose Myanmar Beans because it's a really excellent example of a Natural and one of the best Natural Coffee's we've had. It's highly graded and there are hardly any defects. We did a profile roast, found the characteristics to be drawn out and developed it perfectly for its notes." - David Lambert, Head Roaster.